{Images in gallery Akumal, May 2006}

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    Baby barracuda

    This is a small barracuda I caught. We put him back so he could get nice and big for our next trip.

    Barracuda Guitar

    Roy thinks you can play barracudas like guitars. Just keep your picking fingers away from his mouth!

    More Nasty Teeth

    Check out those pearly whites! Wooeee!

    Bonito Bonita

    Here is a face-first look at the bonito that roy caught.

    Roy and His Bonito

    Little guy didn't fight much, but they sure are pretty. Not that great to eat apparently, but the make for great pictures. Next time we need to catch his bigger cousin (the TUNA.)

    Greg and His Dorado

    This is the biggest fish anyone caught on our trip... of course I tend to do that (; He danced in the water, fought like mad, and tasted fantastic. Too bad Roy had a hard time getting the camera to work while it was jumping out of the water.

    Erin Impersonating Some Fish

    A good resemblance? I think so.

    Greg's Barracuda

    We were bottom fishing at the time this guy suprised us. Almost took the rod right from it's rod holder.

    Even More Nasty Teeth

    When they come onto the boat, make sure your feet are out of the way. Nobody got bitten this time, but heck if he didn't try!

    Roy and His Kingfish

    We ate this one too, although it wasn't as good as the Dorado we had two days earlier.

    Erin on the Obsession

    Fishing with Captain Rick's was fun. We didn't catch a whole lot, but we all reeled in something.

    Watching for the Illusive Sailfish

    We saw a marlin and a few sailfish, but unfortunately, none of them took the bait.

    Jessica on the Boat

    She kept watch from the fly-deck, in case any 500lb marlin decided to take off with our bait.

    Greg Reeling

    Here I am reeling in that little barracuda. The little ones fight just as hard as the big ones!

    Roy Reeling

    Here is Roy reeling in his big barracuda.


    Roy acting proud of the barracuda he just reeled in. Nothing looks goofier than a guy sitting around with a fighting belt on *g*

    Roy with his Massive Sea Monsters

    Ok, not so massive... not so monsterous... we caught a bunch of these little folks on the bottom.

    Roy and Crew

    Pablo (captain) and Chris (mate) did a great job on this trip. We highly recommend them for anyone else who wants to go fishing in Akumal.

    Kid with Roy's Kingfish

    This kid was excited about the fish we brought in. He was a little scared at first, but as soon as the camera came out, he held it up as high as he could.

    Jessica Snorkelling

    She took the plunge! She was also the to first to spot turtles.

    Erin and Beth at Paraiso

    What a gorgeous... I really mean GORGEOUS beach. The water is clear, the sand is soft, and there are these great little day-beds and palapas to keep you comfy.

    The View

    The um... *cough*... view at El Paraiso was just lovely!

    The Family at El Paraiso

    Even though you are unlikely to run into many English-speakers here, it was easy enough to communicate "I'll take a picture of you guys, if you take a picture of us."

    Terrible Towel

    I noticed a Terrible Towel hanging on the bar at Gringo Dave's. I asked Dave if he was a Steelers fan, and of course! He's from Pittsburgh!

    Roy, Darla, and Jessica

    Everyone loved "wasting" a day at Paraiso. The rest of them started at the Tulum Ruins that day, but it was hot and sunny, so they didn't last too long. Good thing there was a nice beach and a cold drink waiting at El Paraiso!

    Roy and Jessica at Lol Ha

    The entire family came down for the LG party. And of course, everyone had plenty to drink, except Jessica :)

    Loco Gringos!

    Everyone, sign here if you are in this picture! I remember a few (Ken and Carol, 99dot, etc...) LocoKeith showed up after everyone else left.

    Roy and Darla at LBV

    Everyone loves swings!

    Roy's Buddies

    Roy made some friends at LBV...

    Erin and Chris at LBV

    They loved LBV. They would always disappear and sneak over there. Its a good thing it was a 2 minute walk from our condo.

    El Gato

    Here is one of the nice beach kitties taking a nap in a potted plant. My parents' cats do do the same thing with their herb garden.

    Greg and Beth at LBV

    More swing time!

    Lol Ka'naab #4

    The inside was about the same as #8, but the view was a little different. There's a palapa in the way now, but there wasn't before (due to the hurricane of course.)

    Lol Ka'naab #4 Looking North

    Don't you wish you could wake up to that view every day?

    Face Down in the Sand

    Can this possibly be comfortable?

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