{Images in gallery Wha Jasia 5}

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    Amma at Night

    What more can I say *g*

    Joe's gang sign

    Joe has his own special gang sign. He's not a Blood. He's not a Cryp... he's a Nerd.


    Ahh, camp fires. Wha Jasian fires can usually be seen from space, but this year we had to make due with the wood leftover after Noah finished his ark.


    Yeah. I dunno who had the camera at this point, but there seem to be a lot of pictures of the fire.

    A few beers into the night

    Believe me, I was feeling much better than I look in this picture.

    West Siiiiiide!

    No, ok, fine. We're gearing up for some hardcore, extreme, full contact horseshoes.

    Watch 'em fly

    Trav's at it again with his mad horse shoe throwing skeelz.

    Its alright, Joe says so.

    Don't know for sure what he's giving a "thumbs up" to, but I suspect its either a chick, or a beer.

    Gadget King

    The gadget king is at it again. The Sony isn't his, but I'm sure he wishes it was.


    The only one there who is capable of enjoying himself, and being responsible enough to take care of everything. Mad props buddy!


    Some of us forgot their tent. Others left their tents at home on purpose. Let us not make assumptions about the people who slept outside.

    Pat's little friend

    Pat made good friends with Jose Cuervo.

    Tha peeps chillin

    Not much more to say... this is the archetype Wha Jasia Day group.

    Sittin' by the fire

    Nothing finer.

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