NRA WOA: Arrival at Park Mammoth Resort |
Beth Morris, 4/29/12 8:06:56 pm |
I really didn't think I was going to make it here at all after the anxiety I've had about this trip all week.
I rarely ever travel all alone, and when I do it's always to see family or close friends. They pick me at the airport. Even from the beginning, this trip is proving to be quite the unique experience. One which will test my courage, help me over come many fears, as well as prove to myself that I can indeed step outside my comfort zone.
So, getting back to my morning of travel... I got up early and lugged two gianormous suitcases and a backpack through the Tampa airport. I wasn't awake enough yet to be terrified, so that was a plus. After a quick stop in Atlanta - well I'm pretty sure I stopped in Atlanta - I was in a strange traveling daze at this point so we'll never be 100% sure where I was exactly... All I know was then I was back on a different plane headed for Nashville, TN. I loved the idea of staying in Nashville. I could hear all the music and I could see Opreyland and meet famous singers. Hell, maybe get discovered myself, because at the moment I do have awesome country-music-singer hair.
In all honesty, I was dreading the drive to Park City, Kentucky. For those who don't know me, I hate driving. I really honest-to-God hate it. Especially if I have to go somewhere I'm not familiar with. We lived in Tampa for 3 years before I was brave enough to drive the 1 mile to the grocery store because it involved merging across 3 lanes of traffice. But I digress.
So the thought of driving all the way up here was scaring the shit out of me. But I got my stupid luggage amd went to visit the man at the Hertz counter. Wait a minute, that man on the screen is making me video chat with him to get my car. Strange. I was doing fine until he said the words: Toyota Camry. I freaked and started begging for a car that was higher off the ground and somehow agreed to spend more of Greg's money again (without asking) to get a Liberty. Sorry Greg! But Jeeps make me happy. Car sorted out, I was good to go. It also needs to be noted that I like to psych myself out ahead of time.
I got the car, left the airport, had my GPS lead me on my way, and I was fine. I drove at an alarming fast rate of 77mph and arrived in Park Mammoth Resort shortly after 2:00pm. I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but my first reaction to the lodge was it was kinda weird. It feels like a place my grandparents would have taken my dad and his sisters in the late 1950s when they used to go visit all the national parks in the summertime.
My first real shocker was that I got an actual key to my room! I looked at it in awe like it was some precious ancient artifact. I then promised myself to not lose said key, like I always do with hotel room swipe cards. After I finished checking in, I drug all my bags to my room and opened the door with my precioussss aka key. Well again it wasn't what I was expecting. It also felt like something out of the 50s or 60s but in a lodgy kind of quaintness. There are some odd switches and buttons on the night stand that I'll just have to show you cause I have no clue what they are.

The thermostat is somehow set to 40 degrees but it isn'tcold in here, so that works. I have a gorgeous view of the rolling hills and big pine trees. I made one misstep in packing, because for some reason I forgot my power strip! How could I be so silly! There's only one extra outlet in the whole room and no alarm clock.
Ok Beth, this is supposed to be an outdoor adventure. Tomorrow is the first day of the event and I must focus on the important things like not acting like a weirdo in front of people, making sure my harness in on tight when I zip line, and not embarrass myself by missing every target.
I really am stoked! I can't wait to get started and the hardest part of all thing will probably be me just getting over my fears of traveling here. Dinner in the dining room at 5:00 then I'm going to relax and watch some Howdy Doody on the black and white tv, if I can get the rabbit ears to work.
Just kidding! Or am I?
I'll be posting daily, so stay tuned! |
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