NRA WOA: Action Shooting |
Beth Morris, 5/2/12 11:51:34 pm |
Day three started off a little rocky. I didn't feel very well for the first half of the day. I tried to go to rifle training, but just couldn't make it. I missed training on an M&P 15 in .22. They trained on that and ran courses as well. Thy also shot it in .223. They all said they really enjoyed it and liked moving around and shooting.
After lunch group B had pistol training. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the intense training with pistols but I was really, really surprised. I'm learning this week how much proper training matters so much. Instructor Debbie Keehart spent time with me adjusting my incorrect grip and showing me how to grip the gun correctly. We were shooting M&P 9mms. I really liked the way these guns shot.

Once I got my sight picture corrected, I was shooting pretty consistently. I realized one of my other problems is that I for some reason get stressed out and tense up in my arms and shoulders. One of my fellow group members, Marie, kept saying "Nameste" and bringing her palms down together in front of her like we were doing some sort of gun yoga. Another quirky member Dianne answered her that she was doing it wrong and quickly placed her hands together to form a gun all Charlie's Angel style and pulled them down peacefully saying "NRA." I realized at this moment that women probably have way more fun shooting together than men.
After we finished shooting the silhouette targets, things got a lot more interesting. The instructors set us up with a short action pistol course. We were a little unsure of how we'd do, but really excited to try it for the first time. I believe I went third. It was a good spot, because I could watch others go through it twice but not wait too long and get nervous. I went into it really relaxed. I was just going to take my time and shoot good shots.

With my hand against a wall I waited for the buzzer. I quickly picked up my gun and started the course. I shot two rounds into a silhouette around a wall, went on and shot two between the wall, two in two different targets in the open, further down to round a wall, hit two in one to the left, two in a silhouette with a no hit in front of it, then to the scary part - a popper probably 15ish yards away - nailed it in one shot then finished my mag in a metal plate at 20 yards. When I finished, all I could say was, "that was awesome!!!" It was literally and figuratively a blast!

Then they reminded me to actually go look at my targets. All I had really thought about was shoot then move. The only target I knew I was dead on was the popper which I was totally proud about. But I went back and every single one of my shots were in the A zone!! I couldn't believe it. I had fun and did I really good job too! I immediately in my head began chanting, "Again, again!" I ran it again backwards doing just slightly worse due to fatigue. Everyone else in my B group did amazing as well. It's just so much darn fun shooting and moving at hitting different targets. We all loved it!

At dinner the B group discussed our day as well as what happens when you have parakeets and ceiling fans, as well as giving a bird an ice cream induced brain freeze. I love my B group girls. I said to Raquel on the first day, "you're not normal are you." She said no and we've hung out ever since.
Later Marie, Raquel, Raquel's contraband-man-friend (this is the women’s outdoor adventure!), and I escaped the lodge for an outing to Applebee's and Walmart. You see there has been a very obvious shortage of desserts around here and we needed ice cream. We were all loopy and silly from too much sun and gun powder, and we laughed until it hurt. It was nice to get away for a little bit. Plus I found my much needed N batteries for my ears. All week I've been going around with only the right one working.
I'm completely beat, so if none of this makes sense I apologize in advance. I'll try to have sum funnier material tomorrow, but I'm going to take a solo golf lesson in the morning and we all know golf's just not all that funny.
Until tomorrow. |
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