Greg and Beththe political and personal musings of two mountaineers living in west-central Florida
Going Solo |
Beth Morris, 2/14/12 1:10:06 am |
Last weekend we went to a Suncoast gun show in Ft. Myers, FL. I have been on a quest to find a better carry gun that's Florida female clothing friendly. It's been hard to find something small enough that doesn't print and that is a big enough caliber that I feel would stop a bad guy. Something that I feel would be better than just throwing one of those teeny weapons at someone's head. I came across the Kimber Solo online and thought it could have some real potential. But I wanted to check it out in person. We looked around at the show a bit and finally came across what I believe was the only Kimber Solo at the show. I picked it up, felt how it fit in my hands, and being a 9mm thought that this might be a really good option. I've shot other Kimbers in the past and have been able to shoot them with pretty good accurately. It's smooth angles and size were really appealing and I could see myself being able to carry more frequently and in more situations than I have been.
That's when the vultures swooped in. I suddenly was surrounded by men leaning over my shoulder staring at the gun asking the booth guys questions about it. They told the vultures that it was the only one they had and was having a really hard time finding more. I figured that if I was going to even consider buying it I better not put it down. So under some pressure I quickly decided that I was going to by it, or rather Greg was going to but it for me as a Valentine's Day present for me. As soon as I told the booth guy I wanted it, the vultures got pretty pathetic. They said to me, "Can I at least hold it for a minute"? LOL like I said they were being a pain in the ass.
The line was so long to fill out paperwork and have the background checks called in that I decided to just have them transfer it to the Tampa store and pick it up today.
Went to the range today and they guys at Shoot Straight are awesome. I wanted to make sure I was familiar with exactly how to use it and they helped a lot. Even oiled my gun for me. I always seem to get a little nervous shooting a new gun by myself right now, something I'm trying to get over. So I warmed up with my Glock to see how the Viridian C5l laser sites worked out since I hadn't shot with them on yet. (Shot low. Needs adjusted) But then I was ready for the Solo. I expected it to have a good bit of recoil and be off for sure on the first round, but nope. Pretty much dead center. It kicked, but not as bad as what I had expected. Smooth trigger pull, gripped nicely for a small pistol, and was really accurate. I'm really happy I purchased the Solo.It's going to be a great addition to my carry gun collection. I still need to find a good holster for it and was thinking laser grips too. Having a hard time finding those two things so far. It came with a pocket holster, but for some reason none of my pants have front pockets. Weird I know.
So pretty successful over all. Picked out a great gun, managed to drive all the way across the world to pick it up, it shot great, and I did it all myself. Kinda lame to most of you, but these are important steps to get to where I want to be. So if anyone knows of any good holsters or where I can get my hands on some crimson trace laser grips I'd appreciate any help. |
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