Search Term Q&A: Guns and Outdoors |
Gregory Morris, 10/26/09 12:51:02 pm |
I haven't done this in a while, so I thought I'd catch up a little...
"gun laws why was a put on a 3 day waiting list"
Since statists believe you and I should rely solely on the government for physical protection, foresaking our own personal right to self defense, they try to force their belief on the public by making it as hard as possible to procure the best means of defense. Therefore, many local and state governments have enacted a waiting period for the purchase of a firearm. While this has very little effect on criminal procurement or use of firearms, it does make it more
far more cumbersome for a law-abiding citizen to defend herself. This is especially true when said law-abiding citizen is buying a firearm because she fears for her life after a recent break-up with her abusive boyfriend.
"florida gun show loophole waiting period"
Generally speaking, the laws are the same at a gun show as they are everywhere else in the state. The one exception is that counties are given authority to enforce some additional rules. Most counties opt not to interfere with legitimate legal commerce. Regardless of what the media talking-heads say about a "gun show loophole", no such thing exists. Dealers must comply with the same laws at gun shows that they adhere to in their shops. That means dealers must do a background check before selling a firearm at a gun show. Individuals may sell firearms to other individuals at gun shows or anywhere else without a background check, so long as the seller isn't in the business of selling firearms.
"hillsborough county florida rifle purchase waiting period"
Both Hillsborough County and Pinellas county have opted to exercise their state-granted authority to enact a waiting period of 3 days for the purchase of long guns. There is already a state-wide waiting period for handguns. My recommendation is to get a concealed weapons permit, which exempts you from the waiting period. If you don't want to spend the time and cash to get your CWP, just drive up to Pasco County to buy your rifle.
"florida county 5 day waiting period rifle"
I'm not aware of any county that has enacted a 5-day waiting period for to purchase a long gun. However, counties are granted the authority, by state law, to do this if they choose. This law was put into place before there was a good instant-check system, which means it is obsolete. Unfortunately, state legislators are unlikely to ever repeal it. Thankfully, if can legally own a firearm, it is simple to acquire a CWP, which means you don't have to worry about waiting periods. See my mega-post on the topic.
"Greg West nra"
You've got the wrong Greg!!! If I remember correctly, Greg West is the supposed "NRA member" who, for some strange reason, wanted an inexperienced statist in the white house. Ya know, instead of having an experienced statist in the white house. It went something like this: "I'm an NRA member, and I'm voting for Barack Obama." I assume it is because he knew freedom would die either way, and just wanted it to be done with quickly. I can't explain an NRA member voting for Obama any other way.
"backpacking hints"
Hint: Take a backpack. J/K. Read these items: Backpacking Hints and tips, Intro, Base Pack, Hydration, First Aid, Navigation, Eating, Misc
"upper tampa bay park fishing"
I recommend bringing a kayak or canoe. There is a boardwalk along the mangroves where you can fish, but it can get crowded at times. The creeks in the area are beautiful, and full of redfish, snook, jacks, etc. Also, if you park at the first small parking area on the right when you enter the park, there is a nice little trail that takes you to a kayak launch right on Tampa Bay. There is some great mangrove shoreline, and expansive flats. If you don't have a kayak, you can also wade from the dock out onto the flats.
"upper tampa bay park controlled burn"
They do these from time to time. It stinks and makes a lot of smoke, but it is good for the vegetation, and prevents wildfires which would threaten many homes in the area.
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