Greg and Beththe political and personal musings of two mountaineers living in west-central Florida
Another Rant |
Gregory Morris, 5/3/07 11:48:25 am |
Switzerland's liberal policy regarding firearms reflects something deep rooted in their culture. Defense of self and nation... A fierce sense of independence... refusal to bow to the will of another country. Well, America has the same roots! So why are we losing to violent crime (statistically), while they win? It is because they embrace their roots, and their history. Many Americans prefer not only to ignore our roots, but to pretend they don't exist! Why is violent crime in America so bad? Is it... Violence on TV? Movie? Music? Video games? NO! It is our willingness to lay the blame for our problems anywhere other than on ourselves. It is parents letting the media raise their kids, then wondering who to point a finger at when their kid turns out to be a criminal. It is our lack of will to prosecute criminals. Instead we like to punish people who have never hurt anyone. It is our inability to stand up and face real problems, and provide real solutions. We, as a nation, would rather "feel good" about a solution than do what is right. What happened to "give me liberty or give me death"? Patrick Henry did not speak those words to "feel good". He meant that he would prefer death to being subject to the whims of a tyrant. Our liberty is being slowly castrated by a policy of feel-good bullshit, instead of politicians doing the right thing.
Ok. That's out of my system now. Carry on. |
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