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    Greg and Beth

    the political and personal musings of two
    mountaineers living in west-central Florida
    Thoughts on Hillary '08 Comment
    Gregory Morris, 4/30/07 1:00:01 am
  • She feels it is fiscally responsible for the United States government to stay out of debt.
    Ok, it looks like we agree here too. The problem is this: How is she going to accomplish this? My guess is that she roll back tax cuts and/or create new taxes.

    "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

    Don't even question my use of the word "socialist" now. Instead of fixing the giant, wasteful government, she'll just raise taxes to keep the country out of debt. So we agree on a prinicipal, but not the solution.

  • She supports net neutrality, much like Obama.
    I've already discussed how I feel about this. It isn't that I don't want the internet to remain free from corporate censorship, I just don't think it is the goverment's place to mess with the free market.

  • Healthcare
    "There are 41 million people without health insurance. ...How will we pay for their care?"

    Universal healthcare... Here is one place her socialist colors really shine through. Although she isn't necessarily pushing for a Canadian-style healthcare system (she wants a stepped phase-in, without replacing private medicine) she still argues that it is the my job to pay for everyone else's healthcare. Socialism makes things worse for some, and better for others. But while some people are getting better care, my quality of care and my wallet are going to suffer.

  • Personal Responsibility
    "Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them."

    Hillary is OK with censorship in lieu of personal and parental responsibility. She'll lead the nation down the road toward complete nanny-statehood in under four years, if given the opportunity. GTA doesn't encourage anyone to have sex with prostitutes and murder them. All the studies she'll quote on it are bogus. Just because a kid who plays GTA may be more inclined to be a social misfit doesn't mean the game is at fault. Maybe social misfits are just more likely to play that type of game. Look at the child's parents. No reasonable parent should allow their child to play a game like that, at least not without making sure the child is mature enough to handle the content, and talking to the child about it. It really gets under my skin when the wrong people are blamed for social problems. Why do good, free-market, capitalist American companies always suffer at the hands of left-wing nancies? Rockstar games has the absolute right to make and sell games with whatever content they like!

  • Guns
    "And since the crime bill was enacted, 19 of the deadliest assault weapons are harder to find on our streets. We will never know how many tragedies we've avoided because of these efforts."

    Deadliest! *Shakes head* Clearly she's never even picked up a gun in her life. Oh, and incidentally, before the bill went into affect, gun sales sky-rocketed, because everyone was afraid they'd never be able to buy a big magazine, or a pistol-gripped rifle ever again. Thankfully, the bill expired, and the number and types of guns out there hasn't changed. The amount of gun-related crime did not decrease during the ban, and it hasn't increased since it ended. There are no less guns on the streets. Many of the guns which were banned had never been used in a violent crime, and probably will never be (they are too expensive! I know, I can't afford one!)

  • Voted against the 2006 Vitter Amendment (which prevents gun confiscation during emergency)
    First of all, this is one of the few places where the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms may actually be questionable. Common law leans towards citizens temporarily giving up rights during states of emergency for the purpose of preserving order. That being said, the Second Amendment states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." It doesn't say "most of the time" or "when everything is OK." This is because our founding fathers recognized that these were the times when the right to have a gun is most important. This law solidifies that right, and guarantees the Second Amendment cannot be cast aside at the whim of a power-intoxicated government. This is simply the most recent example of Hillary's complete disregard for the bill of rights.

  • Favors "sensible gun control legislation" and not limiting gun control lawsuits
    The only "sensible gun control" I can think of is a good stance, a good cheek plant, even breathing, and a slow steady trigger pull. Whenever a politician uses the term "sensible gun control", they mean the exact opposite of that. Every time another gun law is passed, it does nothing to improve crime problems (because, dammit, criminals don't care about the law!) The only people affected are law-abiding citizens... it makes it more difficult and expensive to exercise our constitutional right. If she were to espouse a 5-day mandatory waiting period on free speech, she'd be removed from office, and deported. Regarding the limiting of gun control lawsuits... I talked about this before. This is not where you fix the problem... There needs to be some kind of tort reform/control of frivolous litigation. She doesn't want to limit the lawsuits because they make her feel warm and fuzzy inside (blame someone else, personal responsibility be damned!) I don't want see congress enact another "good intention" law, while not even touching the real problem.

  • In favor of the 2005 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act
    Okiedoke, there's finally a checkmark on the "pro" side. I mean, I'm still against the gov't funding stuff like this, but they certainly shouldn't put any limits on it either.

  • Abortion ... pro-choice
    I'm anti-abortion. Abortion is terrible. But I believe it should be available in some circumstances, and most importantly, it should be safe. That's also what she thinks. The problem is she talks about it too much. This is not a political issue that should receive that much attention. There are bigger problems in the world.

  • Gay rights ... wishy-washy
    Once again why is this such a big issue? You are a human being, you get the same rights as me. Gay or not. Period. "Marriage" isn't a right. It is a union of two people, enacted by God, within the church. As I've said before, the government needs to stay out of my personal and religious life.

    The government has no right to tax married/unmarried people differently.

  • Hillary opposes to drilling in ANWR.
    I tend to agree. We shouldn't tap into such an important resource. Just yet... Not for the sake of lower gas prices. This is part of our nation's strategic reserve, and unless there is an actual energy crisis (which I firmly believe there is not) we shouldn't touch it. From time to time you may see me agreeing with a socialist on what action to take, but not on the reason behind it.

    Regarding international affairs, and fighting terrorism, she has some good ideas.
  • Try and convince radical islamists not to use radical islamist textbooks
    I think this is a noble idea. I doubt it will work, but I'm all for trying it.

  • Support starting secular schools in islamic countries to replace madrasses
    Same goes for this. I think it will help immensely if we can get the youth of islam to forsake extremism, and join the 21st century. However, I'm sure these schools will end up being the target for crazy islamofascist suicide bombers. Give it a try though, people hate seeing schools full of little kids blown up... that would make great propaganda for our side. (I'm reaching new levels of insensativity today!)

  • She says she'll end the war in iraq immediately if she is elected.
    Ok, so that is where her "good ideas" on fighting terrorism stop. You can't be a pussy when you are dealing with these people. Al-Qaeda's STATED GOAL is to get us out of Iraq, and use it as a propaganda. They'll say, "Look! The American Pigs cannot come into our homes! We will always defeat them! Now let us move the fight to their homeland!" Believe me or not, it is still true. The crazy ones want the entire world ruled by sharia law, and they'll keep going until they win, or are dead. I personally prefer offering them the latter.

  • "Gonzales should resign"
    ...politicization of our prosecutorial system...
    The fact of the matter is, the president is the boss of our country's prosecutors. The position of prosecutor has always been a political one. I haven't kept a close eye on this issue, but that is because it shouldn't be an issue. Both politicians and the media love to make a big deal out of small things, especially when it hurts a politician whom they oppose.

    I like the saying, "don't sweat the small stuff... and it is all small stuff." But if more Americans felt this way, it would put most of the major news organizations out of business.

  • Meddling with the Free Market
    "Hillary has called on Circuit City to reconsider layoffs of thousands of workers in New York and across the country in order to replace them with lower-paid workers."

    Here we go again... meddling in the affairs of capitalism. I'm tired of talking about it. If you vote for someone who thinks like this, you are just asking for the government to own or regulate everything.

    She seems to have moderate views on most issues, but what are her ultimate goals? Is she really as moderate as she'd like you to believe, or is she just good at avoiding the real issues? It seems to me she is a smart politician, no doubt schooled by the brilliant politician she is married to. However, her words and answers to questions seem diluted. Everything she says is intended not to be correct, but to have the widest appeal. I don't really know how she feels about some issues, because she dances around them. Sure, nobody wants to see puppies getting kicked, so Hillary is going to pass an anti-puppy-kicking bill. All fluff. You really have to ignore what she says, and simply look at her voting record to figure out what she's all about. Additionally, it seems like she only uses strong words when it is time to (directly or indirectly) attack somebody else.

    What is worse than her "platform" being mostly fluff, is that her views always seem to be worded in a way that makes the listener/reader feel like it IS the place of the government to step in and protect puppies from the puppy-kickers, whether or not puppy-kicking is an actual problem. Her "political capital" consists entirely of feel-good bullshit, which unfortunately wins votes in the end.

    (An aside.... the reason I like Ron Paul so much is that he'll step up and say the goverment's place isn't to interfere with industry and the private lives of citizens. The antithesis of Hillary.)

    Oh, and something that really pisses me off is when people say "I'll vote for Hillary just because she's a woman." That's flippin' great. Someone else will vote for Obama "just because he's black." Well I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul "just because he's a white guy." So there. Neener neener. Ya know what... I wonder how many people would vote for Condoleeza Rice because she's a black woman. If she ran, I'd probably vote for her because she's ridiculously intelligent, and she can be a bulldog when ya need one. Oh well, maybe in 2012.

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