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    Greg and Beth

    the political and personal musings of two
    mountaineers living in west-central Florida
    Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg Comment
    Gregory Morris, 10/14/08 11:27:24 am
    I've been considering upgrading my carry gun for a while now, and there is a gun show coming up this weekend. So I've been thinking a lot about what I want in a carry gun. I've been happy with my Bersa 380, but I want something with a less marginal cartridge. I'll probably end up with a 9mm, so Beth and I can share ammo. I also want to get away from DA/SA guns, because quite frankly I like my trigger to act the same every time I pull it.

    So my choices are generally between the (SA) 1911 platform and (DAO) combat tupperware. So its pro/con time.

    I really like the feel of almost every 1911 I have ever picked up. I like how they shoot. I like that I'll never have to worry about finding parts and accessories for one. I don't mind the 7-8 round capacity of a single stack. I don't like how shorter carry models are reported to be less reliable. I don't like how they are more expensive than plastic guns. I don't like that I have to sort through a billion options (well, the geek in me loves it, the pragmatist in me hates it.)

    I like Beth's Glock, but it doesn't feel as nice in my hand as a 1911. I like the tough construction of most modern plastic duty guns. I like having significantly higher capacity. I like how they are cheap. I don't like that they are ugly, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I like how they have simpler lines, and less pokey bits which makes carrying them more comfortable (although some 1911-platform guns like the Para Carry models are similarly pokey-bit-less.)

    My budget has me leaning towards a plastic gun, because a decent new Glock/Springfield XD/Ruger SR9/S&W MP/etc. can be had for around $500. Even a "cheap" 1911 carry model is going to run $1000.

    So I've mostly been researching the plastic guns.

    Glocks are simple. They work. They are cheap. You can get them in whatever size and caliber you want. You can get parts and accessories for them anywhere.

    XDs get similarly good reviews, and they are available in any size/caliber configuration I'd want. They also have things like loaded chamber/cocking indicators, which are stupid. I know the condition my gun is in. It is either unloaded and taken apart with Hoppes #9 dripping from the barrel, or it is loaded and cocked. I don't need either a visual indicator, or a raised bump to tell me that. These extra bits are just something else to break. I like the grip safety on a 1911, but on the XD it seems like a lawyer decided to put it there. There's a reason Glocks don't have grip safeties.

    The SR9 comes in one size... not the one I really want. It is light and skinny though, so it would be suitable. It has a positive safety in a position similar to the 1911, which I don't see a need for. However, since I'm used to disengaging a safety now, it doesn't bother me. I just have to re-train my thumb to sweep in the opposite direction (or not use the safety at all.) The SR9 has been plagued with bugs, as almost all new designs are. It seems that they have things mostly sorted out, although a lot of people still complain about the triggers. If it is at least as good as a Glock, then it is good enough for me.

    The S&W MP series comes in most of the normal configurations. It is comfortable in the hand, and has a good record of being reliable. I don't particularly like S&W firearms for some reason... probably because they are overpriced, but I am considering the MP9. I don't understand the need for things like magazine safeties... they seem like something else that could possibly keep my gun from firing when I want it to.

    My final consideration is that it has to be something Beth could easily pick up and use. Of the above options, the only one she doesn't like is the XD, because the one she rented jammed a lot. It was likely due to her grip not being quite firm enough, but that isn't a good excuse in my opinion. Her Glock will function properly upside-down, packed with sand, loaded with the wrong caliber, and being held by Stephen Hawking.

    So, my inner geek keeps saying, "Don't get a Glock! That's boring!" But it seems to be that for an everyday carry gun, a Glock is going to fit my needs and preferences better than anything else out there.

    Is there anything else anyone has to suggest other than "Glocks Suck" or "1911s Suck" or "HK IS TEH AWWSUM!!1!one!"?

    [Comments are closed after a month.]

    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    bmonday, 10/14/08 12:06:24 pm
    You might consider a Sig p239 SAS. It comes in 9mm, 40 and 357 calibers, and can be converted between them with a barrel change and the appropriate magazine. The DAK trigger on the SAS has the same pull each and every time. No safeties. Dehorned for carry.

    I carry a Wilson 1911 now, but I secretly long to have my p239 chambered in 40 back on my hip sometimes. I gave it to my dad for a b-day present, and the bastard refuses to give it back.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/14/08 12:12:31 pm
    I like Sigs. Their triggers are nice, although Beth didn't like the one she dry-fired (it was a long two-stage trigger... i dunno if all Sigs are like that, or only certain models.)

    It looks like the P239 costs between $800-1100, which puts it right about in between a plastic gun and a decent 1911. I'll have to consider that more closely... especially if I can find a used one. I'd probably like to rent one first to try it out.

    I must say, I like the idea of being able to switching between calibers, if it is in fact reliable to do so.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Blake Sobiloff, 10/14/08 12:19:49 pm
    You might want to also look at Springfield's EMP--a compact 1911-style pistol completely re-designed to improve small-format functioning with 9mm and 40 S&W. If I could carry concealed here in CA I'd be looking at the EMP or the Glock 26, so I guess I'm faced with the same decision as you are. Last I checked, getting a good set of night sights on the 26 was pretty pricy given the low cost of the 26 itself, making the two pistols somewhat closer in price (but the EMP still more expensive).
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    hecate, 10/14/08 12:25:32 pm
    If you're willing to consider something as bulky as a block, er, Glock, you might take a look at a Browning Hi-Power. Capacity is 15+1 with Mec-Gar aftermarket magazines, and ergonomics are superb.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Skullz, 10/14/08 12:28:46 pm
    XD, hands down.

    The grip angle is close to that of a 1911, so you'll probably like the way it feels. It's DAO, so if you want to share with your S/O she won't need to remember to disengage the thumb safety (like she would on a 1911).

    I own Glocks, XDs, and 1911s. I carry a 1911, but if i were in your shoes, I'd go the XD route. My XDs go to the range a lot more often than the Glock, because i think they're easier to shoot.

    Someone noted the EMP. It's a great little gun, but it requires tools to disassemble and clean - that's not good IMHO.

    Hope I've added to your confusion appropriately....
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/14/08 12:37:13 pm
    The EMP is a decent little gun. It would be competing against the Para Carry models, which I know I like. The Para Carry 9 can be had new for under a grand, and I don't think EMPs are still in production (?).

    Browning Highpower.... hmmmm tempting thought. Its got almost the same nostalgia of the 1911, while being a generally "modern" platform. I'll think that over some. Still, not cheap.

    Regarding the XD... If the wife is unhappy about it, I may not be allowed to purchase that one anyway. She only shot it once, so it isn't quite fair to say they are unreliable, but first impressions of carry guns are kinda important.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    OrangeNeckInNY, 10/14/08 1:03:19 pm
    I have a Sig P239 in SA/DA that I bought used for $400. It groups pretty good at 20 yds. My brother has a Sig P2340 in .40 cal. that he can't get to group for whatever reason. I bought a brand new Kimber Eclipse Custom II 1911 in 10mm for around $1100. I've seen used 1911 at my local gun stores for $500 - $900.

    Personally, I think Glocks are ugly guns. I like guns with classic lines. But that's just me.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Matt, 10/14/08 2:11:32 pm
    Sounds like you've already answered the question. If Beth is comfortable with the Glock and it works reliably, get a Glock. Wouldn't you rather be alive with an ugly, smoking gun in your hand than dead with a jammed, pretty one instead? At the end of it all, being alive with the working gun is what matters.

    BTW, I own a Sig for PD and carry. But a Glock was my second-choice.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Ted, 10/14/08 2:54:29 pm
    I come here via Robb, but I hope you don't hold that against me.

    Hazel and I both have Glocks in .40, different frames, and both carry .380's (She a PPK and I a BDA)

    We range practice regularly with all.

    We originally got handguns with matching calibers for the very reason you stated; commonality of ammo. When she went with the PPK for the smaller profile, I started looking for a .380 as well and fell in love with the BDA. It shoots like it was made for me. (I put three clips through it on my very first shooting trial, hip shooting, no aiming. I hit mass with 34 of 39 shots.) So now I carry both on a regular basis. The BDA for fast shooting, the Glock for follow-up if required. I know that sounds a little paranoid, sorry.

    I have had the Glock forever it seems. I have put thousands of rounds through it, it is easy to customize (like the Lazermax I installed a few years ago), and have had exactly one (1) misfire. It never stovepipes regardless of what crap ammo I push through it. It is easy to strip and clean. It seems damn near unbreakable, but would be cheap to fix if it did.

    I gotta agree with Matt, you have answered your question with the mention of Beth. Buying bulk ammo is cheaper, you have first hand experience with their reliability, and the weapon itself is less costly.

    Plus, I hate the pointy bits on the 1911, they interfere with ease of access.

    Good luck in making your choice.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Wolfwood, 10/14/08 5:31:44 pm
    What about a Hi-Power? It shoots 9mm, so you can share ammo. It's a double-stack. It's as thin as you could want. Copies (not by Browning/FN) are cheap and considered to be of decent quality. There's even a shorter "Detective" model available ( It has similar controls and overall design to the 1911, but is even more concealable.

    I'd actually recommend getting a copy or older (Mk I) version, as the Mk II is ugly and the Mk III is actually a little overbuilt. I have a WWII Hi-Power that is about the easier-to-carry gun in a decent caliber I've ever used.

    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    name, 10/14/08 7:08:34 pm
    Her Glock will function properly upside-down, packed with sand, loaded with the wrong caliber, and being held by Stephen Hawking.
    That\'s what really counts, isn\'t it?

    Boring is highly underrated.

    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Mark, 10/14/08 11:43:55 pm
    Have you given any thought to a CZ-75B or SP-01? Cocked and locked if you want to carry it that way, DA/SA if you don't. I love my XD-40, but I've gotta tell ya, my CZ P-01's my favorite carry weapon. Costs run toward the Glock/XD range of the scale and to my eyes at least are more attractive than the combat tupperware.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Divemedic, 10/15/08 7:27:24 am
    There are some other choices, like one of the the Sig series with a DAK trigger, or perhaps a Para with an LDA trigger.

    I heard the same reports about reliability with the 1911 compacts, but I bought one less than a year ago, and after a short 500 round break in period that had a few feeding issues, I have had no problems since.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/15/08 7:38:53 am
    Well, the Para LDA guns are at the top of my list of non-plastic guns. I need to do more research on Sigs now, since I never really considered them. They do seem to be a lot more popular than I thought. The problem with both the Para LDA and the Sig is that they are going to be a little more pricey than a plastic gun which will be just as reliable and durable.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    name, 10/15/08 9:51:13 am
    You have another, very different HK P7. (Yeah, I know: "You suck. And we hate you.") It has a superb trigger, is as safe as a cocked-and-locked 1911, but is as easy to shoot as a Glock. It fits a wide variety of hands well, and the low bore axis makes for very controllable recoil. Fit & finish is by far the best of any HK product.

    (I'm the furthest thing from an HK fanboi; the P7 is the only HK product I own, or want to own.)
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/15/08 9:58:40 am
    Actually, I've always kinda liked the HK P7... I've seen them used in the $900-$1000 range, but they aren't all that common at any gun show I've attended. It would also take some getting used to... it seems odd that you have to change your grip to operate it.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Rustmeister, 10/15/08 10:26:03 am
    I shot Squeeky's Springfield XD, and I was really impressed.

    I'm saving up my money for the XDm 9mm. Lotsa performance tweaks, and a 19+1 capacity. What's not to like?

    On an unrelated thought, who knew having a periodic table bookmarked would come in handy while blog surfing?
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Jay G., 10/15/08 10:52:01 am
    Have you looked at the Walther PPS? I know it's a single-stack, and therefore limited to a max of 8+1 capacity, but it's mighty thin - even thinner than a 1911.

    I've got two Smith & Wesson SW99s, which are basically the S&W version of the Walther P99, and they have both been completely and utterly reliable through thousands of rounds each (I've got one full-sized .40 S&W and one compact 9mm).

    If it's capacity you want, either the Glock or the S&W M&P are the way to go. I give the edge to the Glock, simply because I've heard too many people having issues with the M&P similar to my experience. I shot one of the compact 40s at the S&W Shooting Sports facility in Springfield (right next to the factory), and it had a nasty habit of dropping the magazine at odd intervals.

    I believe, though, that they've addressed that issue in later iterations. I still can't recommend it as a carry gun based on that experience.

    For a carry gun, you want small, so the subcompact G26 would be the way to go. The beauty, of course, is that you can carry a 17 round full-sized magazine or two for back-up if you so desire - 10+1 rounds in the gun, and 34 in reserve pretty well negates the whole "9mm is teh badness at stopping" argument...

    Just some things from a (severely) limited MA-hole perspective...
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    name, 10/15/08 11:11:04 am
    Look at Kahr, small and the CW line is very affordable. If a larger 9mm is needed look at the k and p series.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/15/08 11:13:43 am
    Well, Jon H. Gutmacher does have a Kahr on the cover of his book: "Florida Firearms -- Law, Use & Ownership".

    I never really considered them either, mostly because they tend to cost more than Glocks. But I guess if I'm willing to consider a Para or a Sig, I might as well look at Kahr too.

    Anyone actually carry a Kahr?
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    John, 10/15/08 11:38:58 am
    I'm an old time Glock guy. I've owned Glocks before many people had seen them. The reason I have stuck with them is that they work and I have a lot of common equipment and parts that work with the 17, 19 and 26 I have presently.

    That being said, if I were starting from scratch I'd probably get a S&W M&P. The trigger and grip angle are much closer to a 1911 and the guns are very well made. They are a little heavier than the Glocks but not much. While relatively new, you can get just about any accessory that you want for them. The replaceable backstrap is a nice feature and Crimson Trace makes a unit that fits in place of the backstrap.

    The other way I might lean is get another 9mm Glock. If you get G17 mags, they will work in the smaller guns. Used Glocks are an excellent buy. Sharing ammo, mags, holsters and mag carriers is nice.

    In the end, do what make you happy. :)

    Have fun,
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    vinnie, 10/15/08 4:03:17 pm
    CZ 82 in 9mm Makarov. 95 grains at 1000fps. It IS single/double but can be carried cocked and locked. 12+1 capacity. Very reliable, less than $225 so get two.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Joe Mama, 10/15/08 6:59:14 pm
    Three words - Colt New Agent.

    I just got one recently. Small 1911 package, excellent reliability, 7+1 of 230 grain .45 goodness.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    formerflyer, 10/15/08 7:42:55 pm
    Glocks are boring. Boring is highly underrated as a feature in emergency rescue equipment.

    I, too, started the Glock sickness early, in 1986. I\'d given my dad my Sig P226 because his $3000 custom-tuned 1911 was malfunctioning. Again. I had just about talked myself into a HK P-7, as I was co-teaching a class for 9mm shooters that weekend, and didn\'t have another one. Bought the Glock instead (HK cost 3X what the Glock cost at the time). Shot it all weekend, and hated it.

    I hated everything about that plastic Tupperware piece of sh. . . inola. The sights stink. The trigger is worse. The magazines don\'t drop free. Takes an entire box of shells to fill 3 magazines! The grip angle is stupid. No safety. Plastic magazines! ! ! And just what the heck is \"Tenifer\", anyway?

    Was mouthing off to the head instructor about all of this, and he literally drug me by the collar down to the target I\'d been using to demo all weekend (I was the Spokes-shooter for all the techniques we were trying to teach). I\'d put over 400 rounds through ONE GRAPEFRUIT SIZED HOLE, demonstrating every technique you could think of, all weekend long. He pointed out that this was a substantial improvement over my normally competent but uninspired shooting. He asked me if the Glock had malfunctioned even once, even with my weird hand loads or cheap surplus ammo? I said no. He said I\'d be dumber than a bag of hammers to ever shoot anything else again.

    Glocks are so reliable, so well known, so ubiquitous, and so BORING that they should be the default position anytime someone asks, \"What should I get?\" Let me restate the obvious: Glocks are so reliable that they have become the automatic comparison for EVERY OTHER GUN when it comes to the question of reliability. They can malfunction, but I defy anybody to come up with a legitimate analysis that puts some other gun higher in overall reliability than an out of the box Glock. Some are almost as high as, some may even be equal to now (or soon), but nobody is MORE reliable.

    Glocks aren\'t for everybody, but you should start with the question, \"What do I need this gun to do that a Glock is unsuitable for?\" and work from there. Glock doesn\'t fit the hand and you\'re not willing to spend $150ish to have it reduced in size? Get an M&P or something else with an adjustable backstrap. Department (or your wife, or your peace of mind) requires a manual safety? Hello, XD. Know that nothing beats a 1911 for you, and you\'re willing to make the investment? Then get one. Heading for Alaska and want a handgun that might give you a fighting chance against a bruin? Magnum wheelgun it is (although there\'s a strong contingent of Glock 10mm shooters who would beg to differ).

    But fill in the box \"GLOCK\" first, then try to figure out why not. Not the other way around.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/15/08 9:59:53 pm
    I'm surprised no old farts have come on here and told me to get a revolver... I mean, I want one, but I'm not gonna carry one...

    Glad to see that everyone still has an opinion on what a good carry gun would be :)
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    TheGunGeek, 10/15/08 10:25:47 pm
    I've got a Glock 27 (subcompact 40) and got a Storm Lake 9mm barrel for it. If I use the standard 40 magazine with 9mm ammo with it, I do get some jamming, but with the Glock 36 9mm magazine it just hums along.

    Roughly $100 for the barrel and another $25 for the magazine and I can shoot 9's in my 40 to my heart's content. If I was of a mind to, I could also get a 357Sig barrel for it.

    I see this option as a great SHTF benefit.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    name, 10/16/08 1:31:32 am
    "HK P7... It would also take some getting used to... it seems odd that you have to change your grip to operate it."

    Huh? You don't change your grip at all; to decock you slightly relax your hand, and to cock it you tighten the hand. Nothing "changes" when you are shooting, UNLESS you're used to shooting with a very light "target" grip. If you are, then a Glock won't function at all ("limp wrist" failure.)

    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Motor-T, 10/16/08 4:53:19 am
    I would recommend a GLOCK. I too never liked the feel of the glock pistol, but still managed to acquire a G34 in trade for a rifle I could just never love. Being a hardcore SIG guy, I just figured that I would trade the glock off for something I wanted more. Well, long story short, the G34 is still my IDPA gun 4 years later. My SIG 229 was abandoned for a G19. And I just got a G20 10mm for inarticulable reasons. Trust me the grip shape will grow on you. The claw hammer-like reliability will grow on you too.

    Besides, there's nothing that says you can't get a 1911 later. I did. I just don't carry it.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/16/08 7:43:28 am
    "You don't change your grip at all"
    Well, not drastically. But loosening or tightening your grip is still changing it. When I draw any other gun, my grip doesn't change from when grip and level it, to extension, to sights on target, to trigger pull. Actually the "squeeze" of the P7 could be a good thing, because I never seem to remember to grip my pistol firmly enough. I've never even held one, so I can't honestly say what I think about it. There is something intuitive, yet strange about the P7. If I see one at the gun show this weekend, I'll definitely pick it up and have a look.

    Of course, a new Glock is still cheaper than a used HK.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Tamara, 10/16/08 11:15:17 am
    She has a Glock? Get one for yourself, and in the same caliber.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    name, 10/16/08 11:24:12 am
    Think Kahr in the CW series. I love my CW-40:
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Justin Buist, 10/16/08 9:32:26 pm
    I'd take a look at the CZ line of pistols. They work and they're in the same price range as the Glock line.

    If they don't trip your trigger, no pun intended, just go ahead and get a Glock. Yeah, the trigger sucks but I figure that'll be the least of my worries when I've lost bladder control and I've got 4oz of human feces in my underwear.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Buffboy, 10/16/08 10:13:36 pm
    You\'ve been \"happy with my Bersa\". If you want to move up in power, why not another Bersa. I have the Firestorm version of the Bersa Thunderer in 45. Light, compact, works the same as your current carry piece, and is surprisingly comfortable to shoot for a compact 45. They are made in 9mm as well. The compact glock holsters that are all over the place used, cheap, fit. My only complaint is the price of the extra mags.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/17/08 7:17:05 am
    Well, this weekend I'll look at Sigs and Kahrs.

    But Tam makes a good point. There's a damn good chance I'll end up with a G26.

    My wife also really likes the SR9, so it might even come down to her buying that and me getting her G19. Either way works for me.

    Buffboy: I'd think about another Bersa... My 380 has been a damn fine gun, and I would recommend it to everyone. I want a more adequate cartridge (that the wife is still comfortable with), or I'd probably just keep it. The thing is, while the Bersa guns are reliable and "accurate enough", the quality of the metals they use leaves something to be desired. If you don't shoot your Bersa a lot, it will last a long time... but I shoot a lot. My Bersa has the wear to prove it.

    Glocks are not only good in all the ways I described above, but they also last damn near forever.
    Re: Upgrade Time and a Little Flamebait Bleg
    Gregory Morris, 10/17/08 7:24:28 am
    Justin: Speaking of CZ, have you watched the video ad on their main page? Heh. It is pretty amusing.

    Their handguns look kinda "pokey" though. My body shape doesn't fit well with sharp corners and exposed hammers.
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