UMWA on Obama and Guns |
Gregory Morris, 9/23/08 8:45:43 am |
They say the NRA is distorting Obama's position on guns.
What happened to you, UMWA? You used to be cool. Now you are nothing but a bunch of shills for the Democratic party (regardless of who's running.) I can forgive you for attempting to ruin the coal industry in WV by driving up costs. However, WV won't be able to forgive you for eliminating even more jobs by helping to elect a socialist president who will side with the environmental lobby before coal miners and their families.
What really has me riled up, though, is that the UMWA is lying about an issue that doesn't even belong to them. Their issues include jobs, industry, wages, the economy, etc. Lying to their members by saying that Barack Wildwood Flower Obama supports the Second Amendment is beyond lunacy. First of all, it is a blatant lie. He may say he supports the Second Amendment right now, but he has never in his life supported anyone's Second Amendment rights. On the other hand, he has supported infringing upon them every chance he's been given. If anyone has a worse anti-gun record than Obama, it would be Joe Biden. Yet the United Mine Workers Association somehow thinks that their members are ignorant enough to fall for empty campaign rhetoric?
I don't think Barack Obama is going to personally go door-to-door confiscating hunting rifles. But he IS going to make it harder to be a law-abiding gun owner. He IS going to make it more expensive to hunt and participate in shooting sports. He IS going to limit what kind of firearms you may purchase and own. He IS going to sign any legislation that restricts your right, and mine, to keep and bear arms. |
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