Akumal Mexico, Nov. 7-14: Day 6 |
Beth Morris, 12/7/05 12:33:00 pm |
We awoke to another beautiful Mexican day. The plan was to drive down to Tulum to see if we could find any good shopping and then find a great beach we had heard about. We stopped off at TBC to get some breakfast pastries to take with us in the Jeep. We got a chocolate chip muffin, a cinnamon roll, and a scone. We headed into the main drag of Tulum, got cash from the ATM, and looked in some different shops. Again everything was pretty much the same, so we didn’t buy anything. So we took off in search of beautiful wide beaches. We took a right out of town along the road to Punta Allen and made a left at the T. All along this road are hotels and places where you can rent cabanas for the day. We pulled into a few and looked around, but decided to keep looking around. We decided to turn around when we came to a dead end at the ruins and go back the other direction. This was a great drive. Lots of Eco resorts and interesting hotels and spas. We came to a place where the road opens up and you’re literally driving right along the side of the ocean. There were huge rocks jutting out of the water. We stopped to take some pictures. By this time I really wanted to get into the water. We went back to the other way to a place called Paraíso Hotel and Cabanas. The beach at Paraíso was perfect and just what I had been looking for all trip. It was wide with powdery sand, clear blue water, and a soft ocean bottom. We grabbed some chairs and I got in for a swim. There was a bar there with swings where I took some neat pictures. The beach was also filled with topless sun-bathers (didn’t hear any complaints from Greg.) All of a sudden it got very windy and cloudy, so everyone headed under the beach bar for lunch. We ate, and then I walked down the beach to take pictures of boats, etc. After Greg caught up with me, we went for another swim. We laid out for a while and then headed back to Akumal. We had heard of another beach on the way back that we had unsuccessfully been trying to find all week called Xca Xel (or something like that… pronounced ish-ka-shell.) It’s a Turtles reserve, but we still never found it. We got back and rested for a while, then showered and dressed, because we were going to the Loco Gringo party at La Buena Vida. It’s a cute bar right on the ocean that has swings and tree houses. We were meeting a bunch of people from the message board, but we didn’t know who to look for. A woman came up to us and asked, “Are you Loco Gringos?” Why yes we were! Other Logo Gringos started showing up and each time the question, “Are you Loco Gringos?” No one had met before and only knew each other by their online handles. Names were forgotten, but handles remembered. We ordered Dos XX and some food and talked with everyone. There was a wedding taking place on the beach in front of us, so we watched that a little. We met a couple from Kansas, Barbara (MaxiBlnd) and her husband Chad (GoKatGo). We all drank more cervesa and talked about the craziness of flying down here. We met the owners of Locogringo.com, Kay and Gary. Also met a woman that went by GreekBeachGirl from Canada. These folks were all really fun! We all drank more and they started to play music for the wedding and all the LGers who live up to their names started dancing. People were pretty drunk and dancing and singing and swinging on the swings. At one point some pole dancing was done by a few of the LG gals. Also, some table dancing. We had a fantastic time with everyone and it was great to talk to other people again. Eventually the music stopped and we all finished our drinks and stumbled home with plans to meet up tomorrow. |
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