Thoughts: Monkey Bars of Government |
Nick, 7/17/08 12:59:07 am |
Accepting government is like traversing a set of monkey bars with a beginning, but no end. Reaching the first rung hurts very little. Reaching the next few bars hurts more than the first, but still the pain is quite insignificant. Yet with each rung we are further dominated by the monkey bars. We may stop to rest our hands, but even as we do this we feel pain, not knowing whether to blame the past rungs for our aches or fear those to come. Eventually we reach a point at which, when looking back, our hands and arms would feel more pain reversing course and heading toward the rungs back at the beginning, when the pain of government was limited. All this time we feel pain, forgetting that we are bound to this pain not because of one direction or another, but because we reached our hands out to the monkey bars of government. Ultimately, had we not stepped up to the monkey bars at all, we would never have suffered the pains of government and our efforts and resources could be spent elsewhere.
When asking for a lesser of two evils, realize that a leader asking merely to stop the advance toward the endless dominance by government only asks to stall the pain. However, this leader still asks us to hang on the monkey bars, which itself is painful to our raw, swollen hands.
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